Skin Whitening Foods - 9 Best Secrets for Skin

skin whitening foods
Skin whitening foods is something good to eat for everyone and all ages. Many types of foods that are harmful to health and also the type of foods that good in protecting the skin. You want to have white skin and black skin is clean or you want to get clear skin.

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You can follow my way to protect the skin by consuming foods.

Although some commercial products for effective skin brightening, they contain chemicals that can be harmful to the skin. Using common foods to make lightening your skin, you can choose natural remedies that do not contain harmful substances.

9 Secret skin whitening foods to eat


The application of thin slices of cucumber to brighten the skin, reduce freckles and dark circles. Cucumber hydrates and refreshes the skin.

Here: Help you lighten the skin naturally

Orange water

Lemon juice is a popular skin whitening. Cut the lemon in half and rub it on the skin. Rinse with warm water. Applied until you get the desired result.

lime juice and turmeric

Orange juice contains natural bleaching agent. This juice can be combined with turmeric powder and apply on the skin for brightening effect. Rinse with hot water after the solution has been acting for 20 minutes.

Oats and tomato juice

Oats joined the tomato juice can lighten the skin. Apply a thick mixture on your face, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse the mixture with cold water and repeat this process until you have achieved the clear skin you want.

potato juice

Potato juice contains bleaching properties of the skin. Use raw potato and apply it directly to the area you want to brighten dark skin.

Here: Foods that brighten your skin - Brighten your skin in just one week


soybeans consumed greatly assist you in overcoming the skin. In addition to soy has anti-aging and make the skin look younger. Soybeans also can not only eat, but also can be made drinks.


All people like this is the kind of food that is usually made in snacks when we were relaxing. You eat chocolate, it can make you look younger. Chocolate can also protect from UV rays because chocolate has antioxidants that can protect against free radicals and ultra violet rays. The use of chocolate is also very easy. It's like you are using the cream. Make your chocolate becomes soft, apply the body you want, let sit for a moment and then rinse with clean water.