But there is always a way out: a variety of necessary funds can be cooked at home.
For example, masks to slow the growth of hair on the face and body, as well as homemade recipes are tools that help to remove hair and oppose their further growth.
It is worth noting that masks that can be made at home also differ favorably minimal cost to them because basically inexpensive components.
Masks for hair growth slowdown
To use after shaving or hair removal (by any means) there is a fairly simple mask, which can be made from turmeric.
To prepare this mask against hair growth turmeric, pour warm water and mix thoroughly, until you have a homogeneous creamy mass. Immediately after making this mask against rapid hair growth can be applied to problem areas. After applying this place the best food wrap film that only improve the effect of the mask.
Another simple recipes of masks, which slows hair growth is a mask based on lemon. Each time you need to smear hair removal problem areas with fresh lemon juice and gently rub. In addition, the skin can be cleaned with a slice of lemon, it will make it slightly more velvety. To prepare lemon mask, you take 10 tsp sugar and half a lemon. The ingredients are mixed in a kind of syrup that warm applied to the skin for a few minutes, and then washed thoroughly using warm water.
Against rapid hair growth can be useful and masks with herb dope usual. About 150 g of grass washed in cold water, poured a liter of water and put on a slow fire. Grass cooked long enough, until you get very strong broth. Chilled fluid should drain and pour into a container tightly closed. This broth can be refrigerated for about a few years. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a decoction of intoxication can be toxic, so it should only be applied topically. It must be applied to the hairy body part twice a day or wet gauze to cover problem areas, and on top wrapped cling film and keep until such time as dry gauze.
Masks that only slow down hair growth on the face
Mask with honey and lemon is prepared by mixing 1.5 tbsp honey and 2 tsp lemon. They need to mix and apply the mixture on the face in the direction of hair growth by 15 minutes. This mask is washed only with cold water. Use its best 2 times weekly for the first 2 weeks, and then - one day a week.
Another simple mask prepared with lemon and flour. Wanted: half a cup of water, 2 tsp lemon juice and 1 tablespoon flour. This is all well mixed into a homogeneous mass kashopodibnu. When applied to the skin of unwanted hair and is a quarter of an hour. Rinse with cold water is best, always in the direction of hair growth.
In addition, there is an effective mask with nuts. Required shkarlupky pine nuts and walnuts partitions between the flesh, they must fill 70% alcohol, it is advisable to leave in containers of dark glass in a dark place for 1 week at least. When infusion is prepared, it is applied to problem areas of the face as a kind of mask. Repeat daily for a fortnight before bedtime.
In addition, nut masks can be applied as an ordinary piece of unripe walnut (green). Just smear problem areas is so that the hairs were covered with juice. This procedure eventually ystonchaet hair continue to grow, they are weaker, as if repeating a mask on a regular basis, the hair may disappear forever.
Hair removal using sugar
In addition to slowing down hair growth, there are many recipes that help get rid of hair without making much effort and without spending much money.
One of the most popular recipes - mask from sugar for hair removal, called shuharinh. This requires: 4 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp citric acid, 2 tablespoons water. Sugar is filled with water, cooked at low heat with constant stirring. Once the sugar dissolves without a trace, you need to fill citric acid and continue to mix. After boiling the mixture will initially be transparent, but will gradually golden hue. You must wait for the moment when it becomes dark golden, after remove from heat and let cool slightly. While cooling the mixture will become gradually thicker, more importantly, do not miss the moment when it thickens so that it can be taken in hand.
To use this mask against unwanted hair was correct, you wet hands with cool water, careful to avoid burns to sample a bit of sugar to the mixture. If it will not spread, so it can be used, but if it is too liquid, you poured a little more water than necessary. Thus, if mixture out, it must have been a little mix and begin to put on leg (best first try on the skin of the legs), top press cloth and wait until the mixture hardens completely, then vidderty.
If delayed the removal and the mixture in the tank a little stuck, you can warm it again. After a hair removal sugar residues mask can be washed under hot shower. It is important to know that so many hairs will be hard to remove, but short - very easy and convenient. Do not forget that the first such procedure is not painless, but all subsequent repetitions pain will go to nothing, and a little learning to do such hair removal, you can experiment not only on the legs, but in any problematic area of skin.
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