How to Grow Facial Hair Naturally

How to Grow Facial Hair Naturally
Having decided to grow facial hair, how to grow facial hair naturally least three to four weeks without any intervention. No need to try to trim your face is not formed - to choose the right style, it is important to understand what you are getting.

Only after four weeks to begin forming facial hair. Determine which part of the face hair grows thicker, whether you need to or want to hide the cheekbones visually lengthen the face. In addition, it is important to understand the line of growth of facial on his neck and cheeks.

What facial choose?

The Lord of the round face (example: Jack Black) facial will visually lengthen the shape of the skull, giving aristocratic face. Suitable as goat beard, a face that looks to the temple and face Moustache look good, but sideburns should be abandoned.

In the case of the skull oval (Jake Tylenol) hair will help visually expand the face. Suitable horseshoe-round face or sideburns. It is not recommended for thin-bit or a different options such as goat's face.

Hollywood facial hair

Such as the face (Ryan Gosling) will increase significantly the face of massive chin. Suitable face in the form of a square, round or horseshoe. Oval face (Jude Law) will fit the shape of the face, allowing it to experiment with images.

In addition, low men wear the best small, non-bulk facial, while the high and large enough suitable lush facial. Wide and thick blond forms are often more stringent than brunettes with hair.


If the lower limit of facial growth is set too high and close to the jaw, the person will look tense. If the facial below the Adam's apple go, connecting with hair on his chest, the impression too rough vegetation.

The ideal and safest option - to follow the line of the neck, located at 2-2.5 cm above the Adam's apple. Line cheeks while you can leave a natural or drop below ("Hollywood facial "), if the hair on the cheeks grows too abundantly.

How to speed up hair growth?

Density and speed of hair growth of facial somewhat dependent on genes and hormone levels in the body. Thus the idea that frequent shaving of hair grow faster - is wrong. Although that is the local acceleration of growth followed by a slowdown.

This weight training definitely accelerates the growth of hair on the face and body by the body more active secretion of testosterone and growth hormone. Among other things, it is believed that regular sex and premonition of sex even make hair grow faster.

What if twisted facial?

The first thing that should begin - is to wait a few weeks until facial grow so long to straighten hair could under its own weight. In addition, most of the direction of hair growth adjusted for easy combing.

If the facial is quite long, but the hair still messy curls and grow facial s in different directions, it will use a weekly conditioner for hair. To buy a special product for facial is required, suitable and conventional air conditioner.

How to care for facial hair

Washed enough facial and mustache rinse water. Once a week facial hair should be washed using shampoo, using then, if necessary, air conditioning. It is important to comb your hair every day the right way to create growth direction.

If you want to make a more voluminous facial, washing your, comb against the direction of hair growth. When hair is dry, comb them in the right direction and pryhladte hands. To be the best combing comb with a few teeth wide.

The most important thing in this facial hair would not hinder the growth of the first four weeks. Only after this time you are accustomed to seeing his new face in the mirror, be able to adequately pick suitable for your type of facial or mustache.


Effective mask for hair growth

Not found any of the fair sex, which would be totally satisfied type or natural hair color, your hair, skin, figure and so on. Women in their questions, and someone else looks very, very picky. Something improve and they can change constantly.

In order to get in the shortest time chic long hair, roots to consolidate and improve the appearance of hair, beauty masks has long been used to speed up hair growth, which, thanks to natural ingredients, besides providing excellent care. If you use them regularly, rather than 1-2 times in one to two weeks, the hair will not only rapidly growing but also look amazing. Shiny, smooth and obedient curls or light strands - women who dreamed of it?

And men should monitor the condition of the hair as neat, cleaned and nice, they always draw attention. While dirty and greasy nestryzheni produce a feeling of revulsion. Therefore, effective masks for hair growth and care must be used not only the ladies, but representatives of a strong half.

Natural and effective mask for fast hair growth with own kitchen

If you do not have time to visit the salon or barber shop, where applicable professional masks for hair growth, it is enough to make them at home using natural ingredients and folk recipes. The structure of such care masks may include a variety of ingredients: eggs, yogurt, pepper, mustard, honey, oatmeal, fees herbs, gelatin, castor oil, dimeksid and even brandy. In general, anything that comes handy and is in every refrigerator, kitchen cupboard or medicine cabinet.

Preparation does not take much time, and the effect is stunning! Mask for hair growth of these products would be very effective due to the mineral content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. The only thing to consider when preparing hair mask for rapid growth, it is - hair type and susceptibility to allergic reactions. Underlying each of these mixtures are generally products that are "baked": onions, mustard, pepper, honey and others. They increase blood flow to the skin and hair follicles and thus stimulate intensive growth of hair, so effective masks for hair growth are made based on these ingredients with a variety of additives.

Folk mask for hair growth can be a cure for hair loss, hair loss, fragility and dimness, they will without any costs for cosmetic procedures to restore and tidy hair. Masks for hair growth pepper or other "hot" products can not be applied if the skin of the head is small scratches, scrapes, wounds, etc., as it is simply intolerable burning, and irritation of the skin provided.

You can try different masks, but must take into account the type of hair. What are the masks for hair growth will approach you determined empirically. A few times we can conclude that a beneficial effect on the hair, but that is not yours. By the way, you should know that for the first time since the beginning of the use of such masks hair may seem weakened and begin to "crumble". But it is - a temporary phenomenon that will stop after one or two weeks. Then the process of growth and recovery will happen in front.

Hair Mask with pepper and honey

Excellent mask based on pepper and honey. With regular use of this tool can not only speed up hair growth to 6 cm in two months, but get rid of split ends, nourish the scalp to remove dandruff and give your hair a wonderful black.

Thus, for the preparation of this mask to improve hair growth should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 4, ground red pepper and natural honey, which should be rare or previously melted in a water bath. At the washed and still damp hair apply a remedy, rubbing well into the scalp. Then head should wrap a plastic bag or wear a special hat. Top - towel, which provides sauna effect.

Keep the mask on hair takes about 30-40 minutes. When the burning, rinse thoroughly with warm water. Pepper mask for hair growth is very effective, and if you make it at least a couple times a week, the first results appear quickly. You can buy a mask and professional production.

Mask for hair growth with mustard

It is very easy to prepare and do not hit the wallet - masks for hair growth with mustard or regular mustard powder. When applying mustard heated surface of the head, the blood rush to the skin and stimulates the hair follicles, thereby accelerating hair growth. In addition, part of the means of vegetable or olive oil has beneficial effects on hair, split ends nourishes, gives elasticity, smoothness and shine throughout.

Mustard mask for hair growth is prepared very easily: the hot water needed to dissolve the mustard powder or butter together in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. Then there add one egg yolk separated from the protein tablespoon of sugar and mix well. The mixture was put on the roots and leave for 20-30 minutes, wrapped head with a towel, then rinse. We can say that this is - the best mask for hair growth, it is especially suitable for people with oily hair type, as well as mustard reduces the sebaceous glands.

Gelatin Mask for hair growth

There is another excellent hair mask for rapid growth, made from gelatin. The fibers of this product complementary places destroyed by a thread, building it brick by brick structure and filling the gaps. Prepared mask is easy. Gelatine must soak in warm water, and when it swell, add a few drops of shampoo. Carefully stir, put on the roots and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Gelatin Mask for hair growth will fully restore hair, make them thick, give a healthy look and smooth. Such masks are sold and production.

Onion mask for hair growth

When the hostess strengthen preparing masks for hair growth, it is often used onions. Its beneficial properties and has long been known to all. In the onion contains many vitamins and minerals, it has antibacterial properties, is a strong antiseptic. Onions just irritate hair follicles and stimulates hair growth as pepper and mustard.

Onion mask for hair growth is prepared using lemon juice and honey. They need to mix with the onion, grate, mix and apply to the entire length of hair, focusing removal of roots. Then wrap the head with a thick towel and leave the mask on for 50-60 minutes.

Honey nourishes and makes hair smooth and lemon provides dazzling shine. You can add into the plant, castor or burdock oil, glycerine, egg yolk. The options are many, it is - super mask for hair growth and care. Using this proven, and certainly need an effective means twice a week for a month. The effect will be simply irresistible.

The only "but" - the unpleasant smell of onions, because it is - the mask option for hair growth for the night.

Kefir Mask for hair growth

Since ancient times, women Eastern countries famous for their luxurious, shiny hair. The secret of thick curls and strong, it appears very simple. After each washing hair rinsed beauty Koumiss yogurt, kefir, ie dairy products. Because kefir mask for hair growth suitable for all hair types without exception, will help improve the condition of hair, strengthen roots and make it healthy.

Make a mask simple. One need only add a little yogurt heated a few drops of any essential oil, mix well and apply on hair, carefully rubbing a lot of roots. This is - an easy, inexpensive and very effective hair mask accelerates hair growth. So you should definitely try it!

Very useful is the mask from an egg. It is rich in nutrients and vitamins that best affect the condition of hair, align their structure, heals and strengthens. These masks are good for hair restoration after intense sun exposure, coloring or perm.

Egg Mask for hair growth

Egg mask for hair growth can be different: dry, oily hair mixed type. Therefore, the ingredients it comprises different. For example, for dry hair is perfect for this: mix 2 egg yolks with 3 tablespoons arnica and essential oil with 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. Mix and apply on unwashed hair, leave for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water using shampoo.

Masks for hair growth with increased allocation of sebum may also be using egg yolk. The main components in the amount of 2 pieces must add half the lemon juice with fruit and a few drops of burdock oil. Mix and apply on the hair, then rinse. This mask will not only help accelerate growth and prevent hair loss, but will relieve dandruff and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Yeast Mask for hair growth

Excellent proven mask for hair growth yeast, which not only encourages but also nourishes hair. For it will need about 50 grams of ordinary baker's yeast, which should be diluted with warm water or yogurt. When the mixture is the consistency of such as liquid cream, you need to put on hair, rubbing in the roots and leave for an hour or more, as time permits.

For this mask mandatory greenhouse effect, so better to put down a plastic bag or hat and wrapped a terry, thick towel.

Liquor and hair mask - compatible concept

Faithful and reliable tool, which has long been used by our ancestors - is beer. It seems to be very simple but effective way. If you wash your hair every night before bedtime strong, dark beer, the force and brilliance they will be provided. In addition, there is another very popular and loved by many recipe for the health of hair, which consists of delicious, nutritious and healthy products.

This - Miracle Mask for hair growth, consisting of a mixture of banana, eggs, honey and beer. So take a medium-sized ripe banana, half a glass of dark beer, one egg and one tablespoon of liquid honey. All this is good to knock Brender and apply on hair, focusing on the roots. Holding about 30 minutes, you need to wash the mask and rinse hair with cool water. Beer mask for hair growth is quite strong, so it is not recommended to do very often. Quite session once in 1-2 weeks, and the hair becomes truly shining, healthy, strong. With this tool, you can achieve regrowth of 10 cm for a couple of months.

Hair Mask with cognac

Excellent proven mask that stimulates hair growth on the basis of brandy. Fans of this noble amber drink can afford to treat them and their hair to be very grateful for such a procedure. Sometimes you can replace the brandy vodka. Make a mask is quite simple and will not take much time. One tablespoon of brandy mixed with the same amount of olive, burdock or castor oil and rub with one egg yolk.

Mask for hair growth with brandy rubbed into the skin, then wrapped a towel head, creating a sauna effect. Masks stored for one hour, then washed with warm water and cold rinse. Good to alternate different types of oil and sometimes add a teaspoon of honey mask to enhance the therapeutic effect and stimulating.

Medicine for hair

As already mentioned, natural masks for hair growth often contain not only food or beverages are very useful for this purpose various therapeutic and essential oils, castor, burdock, sea buckthorn, pumpkin, lemon, lavender, etc. To create different masks available over the counter lanolin, glycerin, all kinds of herbal, dimeksid, which is often used to compress. By the way, the mask for hair growth on dimexide very useful and popular. They give absolutely stunning, fast, just did magic effect! But admire frequent use of masks is not necessary, because they are very strong.

So the ingredients for "vitamin bombs": taken in equal proportions dimeksid, lemon juice, vitamins A and E in capsules, which are also sold in pharmacies. All mix and apply on the hair gently with a cotton swab, focusing on the roots. Then head wrapped in plastic wrap or wear a special cap, wrap a towel and leave for an hour. After this time the mixture should wash off. The mask can be a bit of smoke, so the next time you need to pour dimexide less. If your hair is dry and damaged, the mask can add a couple of teaspoons of oil, such as olive or burdock.

Healthy strong hair, donated by nature

This article describes only some known and distributed masks suitable for cooking at home. But the recipe for which is preparing mask for intensive hair growth are numerous: with rye bread, sea salt, cream, mango, coconut and banana with almond bran with peach butter with horseradish, with blue clay and so on. Enumerate the components can be very long. Natural made available and inexpensive ingredients mask that accelerate hair growth, in no way inferior, and sometimes even surpass cosmetic products sold in stores. And the advantages they weight:

masks for home use only fresh and natural products that do not mix takes time and is not difficult;

price of these masks is relatively small, which is also of great advantage;

they contain no extraneous additives as preservatives, flavorings and colorings, and components at hand.

Masks for increased hair growth should be used regularly, but at the same time not forget about balanced nutrition, healthy lifestyle, proper care and protective products for hair, for example, blow-dry, use hair straighteners or Curlers. Then the hair always cause admiring glances of others.

How to get rid of unwanted hair

With the onset of summer is especially urgent issue of getting rid of unwanted hair on the body, including the face. The options of hair removal, there are many, ranging from the simplest - shaving. However, there is another equally urgent problem: how to make so that after removing hair grew much more slowly, or better yet did not grow at all. Of course, there are plenty of anti-hair growth, but almost all of them initially require constant use and, accordingly, rather big costs, as prices for such vehicles is not low.

But there is always a way out: a variety of necessary funds can be cooked at home.

For example, masks to slow the growth of hair on the face and body, as well as homemade recipes are tools that help to remove hair and oppose their further growth.

It is worth noting that masks that can be made at home also differ favorably minimal cost to them because basically inexpensive components.

Masks for hair growth slowdown

To use after shaving or hair removal (by any means) there is a fairly simple mask, which can be made from turmeric.

To prepare this mask against hair growth turmeric, pour warm water and mix thoroughly, until you have a homogeneous creamy mass. Immediately after making this mask against rapid hair growth can be applied to problem areas. After applying this place the best food wrap film that only improve the effect of the mask.

Another simple recipes of masks, which slows hair growth is a mask based on lemon. Each time you need to smear hair removal problem areas with fresh lemon juice and gently rub. In addition, the skin can be cleaned with a slice of lemon, it will make it slightly more velvety. To prepare lemon mask, you take 10 tsp sugar and half a lemon. The ingredients are mixed in a kind of syrup that warm applied to the skin for a few minutes, and then washed thoroughly using warm water.

Against rapid hair growth can be useful and masks with herb dope usual. About 150 g of grass washed in cold water, poured a liter of water and put on a slow fire. Grass cooked long enough, until you get very strong broth. Chilled fluid should drain and pour into a container tightly closed. This broth can be refrigerated for about a few years. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a decoction of intoxication can be toxic, so it should only be applied topically. It must be applied to the hairy body part twice a day or wet gauze to cover problem areas, and on top wrapped cling film and keep until such time as dry gauze.
Masks that only slow down hair growth on the face

Mask with honey and lemon is prepared by mixing 1.5 tbsp honey and 2 tsp lemon. They need to mix and apply the mixture on the face in the direction of hair growth by 15 minutes. This mask is washed only with cold water. Use its best 2 times weekly for the first 2 weeks, and then - one day a week.

Another simple mask prepared with lemon and flour. Wanted: half a cup of water, 2 tsp lemon juice and 1 tablespoon flour. This is all well mixed into a homogeneous mass kashopodibnu. When applied to the skin of unwanted hair and is a quarter of an hour. Rinse with cold water is best, always in the direction of hair growth.

In addition, there is an effective mask with nuts. Required shkarlupky pine nuts and walnuts partitions between the flesh, they must fill 70% alcohol, it is advisable to leave in containers of dark glass in a dark place for 1 week at least. When infusion is prepared, it is applied to problem areas of the face as a kind of mask. Repeat daily for a fortnight before bedtime.

In addition, nut masks can be applied as an ordinary piece of unripe walnut (green). Just smear problem areas is so that the hairs were covered with juice. This procedure eventually ystonchaet hair continue to grow, they are weaker, as if repeating a mask on a regular basis, the hair may disappear forever.
Hair removal using sugar

In addition to slowing down hair growth, there are many recipes that help get rid of hair without making much effort and without spending much money.

One of the most popular recipes - mask from sugar for hair removal, called shuharinh. This requires: 4 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp citric acid, 2 tablespoons water. Sugar is filled with water, cooked at low heat with constant stirring. Once the sugar dissolves without a trace, you need to fill citric acid and continue to mix. After boiling the mixture will initially be transparent, but will gradually golden hue. You must wait for the moment when it becomes dark golden, after remove from heat and let cool slightly. While cooling the mixture will become gradually thicker, more importantly, do not miss the moment when it thickens so that it can be taken in hand.

To use this mask against unwanted hair was correct, you wet hands with cool water, careful to avoid burns to sample a bit of sugar to the mixture. If it will not spread, so it can be used, but if it is too liquid, you poured a little more water than necessary. Thus, if mixture out, it must have been a little mix and begin to put on leg (best first try on the skin of the legs), top press cloth and wait until the mixture hardens completely, then vidderty.

If delayed the removal and the mixture in the tank a little stuck, you can warm it again. After a hair removal sugar residues mask can be washed under hot shower. It is important to know that so many hairs will be hard to remove, but short - very easy and convenient. Do not forget that the first such procedure is not painless, but all subsequent repetitions pain will go to nothing, and a little learning to do such hair removal, you can experiment not only on the legs, but in any problematic area of skin.